Coming from an academic background in contemporary dance and an accomplished professional career in this field, Josia has always been fascinated by the human body and all the possibilities it possesses. Since 2012, she has developed a real passion for physical training and decided to begin her training in the field. During her years of learning and working with her clients, Josia developed the ambition to help them not only by supervising them in their training session, but by incorporating a holistic approach to health based on naturopathy . She now has a diploma in naturopathy from the Naturopathic Training Institute, a diploma in naturopathy from the AAT Institute, certifications as a private trainer and in group classes and several training courses from the ANIE, Xpertise 360 and Académie Quantum organizations. Since then, she has adopted an educational, caring and open approach with each of her clients to guide them towards optimal and natural health.
Available Services
Activité physique
Alimentation consciente
Alimentation holistique
Alimentation vivante
Approche globale du corps par le mouvement d'éveil corporel