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768 professional(s) found

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    Membership number: ND-1715

    Auriculothérapie, Coach holistique, Coaching, Coaching en alimentation holistique, Consultante en alimentation naturelle, Laser pour cesser de fumer, Laser therapy, Natural health consultant, Natural health consultant , Naturopath , Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Angélique CLÉMENT

    Angélique CLÉMENT

    Membership number: ND-1718

    Alimentation, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Xiaoping HE

    Xiaoping HE

    Membership number: ND-1719


    See profile
  • Mayà PELLÉ

    Mayà PELLÉ

    Membership number: ND-1727


    See profile
  • Asmae AMAICH

    Asmae AMAICH

    Membership number: ND-1721

    Aromathérapie, Bachelor of Biological, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Yonatan SHERBATOV

    Yonatan SHERBATOV

    Membership number: ND-1720

    Alimentation holistique, Naturopathy, Personal Trainer, Sportive nutrition

    See profile
  • Samira FAHIM

    Samira FAHIM

    Membership number: ND-1722


    See profile
  • Claudie THERRIEN

    Claudie THERRIEN

    Membership number: ND-1728

    Naturopath , Naturopathy, Ventouse

    See profile


    Membership number: ND-1732

    Alimentation holistique, Entraînement, Naturopath, Naturopathy, Naturotherapy, Phytothérapie, Posturologie

    See profile
  • Phui Chooi SWEE HOO

    Phui Chooi SWEE HOO

    Membership number: ND-1961

    Naturopath , Naturopathy

    See profile


    Membership number: ND-1740


    See profile
  • Mawaheb ALJUMAILI

    Mawaheb ALJUMAILI

    Membership number: ND-1736

    Health and Social Services Auxiliary, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Eve KARAT

    Eve KARAT

    Membership number: ND-1741

    Alimentation, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Claudia CÁRMO

    Claudia CÁRMO

    Membership number: ND-1750

    Acupuncture sans aiguilles, Alimentation, Approche intégrée en gestion de poids, Aromatherapy, Auriculothérapie, Bach flower, Bachelor of Biological, Balancement Thérapeutique Énergétique , Bars de conscience, Bilan énergétique, Bio-Énergie, BioTest de la Dysbiose Intestinale , BioTest du Minéralogramme et métaux toxiques, Biochimie clinique, Biomagnétisme, Chromopuncture, Chromothérapie, Classical homeopathy, Coach PNL, Coach en gestion de la santé, Coaching in emotional management, Constellation familiale, Déblocage énergétique, Détoxication, Foot Reflexology, Gestion du poids, Herbalist, Laser therapy, Natural health consultant , Naturopathy, Physiology PhD, Remote consultation, available., Spa Ionique, Élixirs floraux

    See profile
  • Nathalie JEAN

    Nathalie JEAN

    Membership number: ND-2087

    Aromathérapie, Bilan de santé, Naturopath , Naturopathy, Phytothérapie, Relation d'aide

    See profile

rong>Attention ! Please note that this directory contains only the list of Naturopaths who wish to make their contact information public This does not constitute the complete list of ANPQ members. If you wish to validate the membership status of a member, please use our validation tool by clicking here, or contact us by phone at1 450 824-3550 or toll free at 1 888 268-2516