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768 professional(s) found

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  • Louise VINCENT

    Louise VINCENT

    Membership number: ND-1148


    See profile
  • Natalie LAVERS

    Natalie LAVERS, La Vie Nourrie

    Membership number: ND-1184

    Alimentation, Alimentation holistique, Alimentation vivante, Allergies, Approche intégrée en gestion de poids, Biofeedback, Bébé, Digestion, Digestive discorders, Enfant, Grossesse, Inflammatory intestinal disease, Intestins grêle et colon, Microalimentation, Natural health consultant , Naturopathy, Pré-natal, Wellness Consultant

    See profile


    Membership number: ND-1204

    Alimentation holistique, Biosignature, Coaching en santé naturelle, Kinésiologie, Kinésiologie Holistique, Microalimentation, Naturopathy, Sportive nutrition, Supplémentation

    See profile
  • Shuang HAO

    Shuang HAO, Clinique Acu-Osteo

    Membership number: ND-1149

    Herboristerie chinoise, Médecine tradionnelle chinoise, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Pascale GANNON

    Pascale GANNON

    Membership number: ND-1649

    Homéopathie pluraliste, Naturopath, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Rachel VILLIARD

    Rachel VILLIARD

    Membership number: ND-1176

    Bilan de santé, Enfants/Adultes, Iridologie, Naturopathy, Phytothérapie, Réflexologie

    See profile
  • Magalie THIBODEAU

    Magalie THIBODEAU

    Membership number: ND-1265

    Coaching in emotional management, Consultante en développement humain, Counseling, Intervenante Psycho-sociale, Naturopathy, Naturotherapy, Psychosynthèse, Relation d'aide, Relations humaines, Relations interpersonnelles, TDAH, Thérapeute d'approche réaliste

    See profile
  • Marie-Rose AVAKIAN

    Marie-Rose AVAKIAN

    Membership number: ND-1730

    Alimentation holistique, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Julie BEASSE

    Julie BEASSE

    Membership number: ND-1155

    Allergies, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Elaine CLAIVAZ

    Elaine CLAIVAZ

    Membership number: ND-1745

    Atelier Yoga, Ayurveda, Méditation, Naturopathy, Qigong Thérapeutique, Sound Therapy

    See profile
  • Suzanne BÉDARD

    Suzanne BÉDARD

    Membership number: ND-1754

    Allergies, Bach flower, Enfants/Adultes, Fleurs de Bach, Hypoglycémie, Natural health consultant, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Toni PIGEON

    Toni PIGEON

    Membership number: ND-1191

    Allergies, Bio-Énergie, Iridology, Natural health consultant , Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Wei SUN

    Wei SUN

    Membership number: ND-2105

    Acupuncture sans aiguilles, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Brigitte CÔTÉ

    Brigitte CÔTÉ

    Membership number: ND-1171

    Naturopathy, Naturotherapy

    See profile
  • Wei ZHUANG

    Wei ZHUANG

    Membership number: ND-1172

    Herboristerie chinoise, Medecine chinese traditional, Naturopathy, Pharmacopée chinoise, Ventouse

    See profile

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