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768 professional(s) found

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  • Sandra JAMES

    Sandra JAMES

    Membership number: ND-63

    Homéopathie pluraliste, Natural health consultant, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Carina RAISMAN

    Carina RAISMAN

    Membership number: ND-64

    Naturopathy, Yoga thérapeutique

    See profile
  • Betty GAGNÉ

    Betty GAGNÉ

    Membership number: ND-65

    Accompagnement psycho-spirituel, Accompagnement à la naissance, Aide en cheminement, Alimentation, Atelier Yoga, Bébé, Coaching, Coaching in emotional management, Conscious breathing, Counseling, Couple, Déprime, Détente, Emotion coaching, Enfant, Enfants/Adultes, Famille, Femmes enceintes, Grossesse, IMO:1, Intervention énergétique, Intolérances alimentaires, Intégration par les Mouvements Oculaires (IMO), Maternité, Méditation, Méditation consciente, Naturopath, Naturopathy, Perinatal Naturopath, Pré-natal, Périnatalité, Reconnection, Relations interpersonnelles, Relaxation-respiration, Remote consultation, available., Stress, Thérapie psychocorporelle et énergétique, Trauma, Yoga prénatal, yoga instructor, yoga postnatal, Énergie

    See profile
  • Stefan VALENTI

    Stefan VALENTI

    Membership number: ND-144


    See profile
  • David SNIVELY

    David SNIVELY

    Membership number: ND-172

    Activité physique, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Qian Qing HUANG

    Qian Qing HUANG

    Membership number: ND-181

    Medecine chinese traditional, Naturopathy

    See profile
  • Charlène BOURGON

    Charlène BOURGON

    Membership number: ND-187

    Naturopath, Naturopathy

    See profile


    Membership number: ND-200

    Atelier Yoga, Naturopathy, Sound Therapy

    See profile
  • Elisabeth GUZZI

    Elisabeth GUZZI

    Membership number: ND-166

    Aromathérapie, Naturopath, Naturopathy, Élixirs floraux

    See profile
  • Isabelle ROY

    Isabelle ROY, Les précieux conseils d'Isabelle

    Membership number: ND-209

    Alimentation, Allergies, Aromathérapie, Bilan énergétique, Bébé, Coaching en santé naturelle, Digestion, Déprime, Détente, Détoxication, Enfant, Famille, Femmes enceintes, Fertilité, Foie, Grossesse, Herbs, Hypoglycémie, Maternité, Ménopause, Natural health consultant, Naturopath, Naturopathy, Problème féminin, Périnatalité, Stress, Supplémentation, Women health

    See profile
  • Elisabeth LACHANCE

    Elisabeth LACHANCE

    Membership number: ND-210


    See profile
  • Lorraine BEAUCHESNE

    Lorraine BEAUCHESNE

    Membership number: ND-215

    Naturopathy, Phytothérapie holistique, Reiki

    See profile
  • France BOULAIS

    France BOULAIS

    Membership number: ND-217

    Coach holistique, Coaching in emotional management, Déprime, Naturopath, Naturopathy, PNL, Stress

    See profile
  • Yan LIU

    Yan LIU

    Membership number: ND-221


    See profile
  • Carole BOUCHER

    Carole BOUCHER

    Membership number: ND-227

    Naturopath, Naturopathy

    See profile

rong>Attention ! Please note that this directory contains only the list of Naturopaths who wish to make their contact information public This does not constitute the complete list of ANPQ members. If you wish to validate the membership status of a member, please use our validation tool by clicking here, or contact us by phone at1 450 824-3550 or toll free at 1 888 268-2516